Monday, October 23, 2006

and here we are, back to the norm

i've been away for a bit. actually, merely away by only a few hours. worked day shift last week 7am til around 530p. nice overtime, but the hours just don't fit the current liftstyle. anyhoo, i'm here simply filling time until the end of my shift. had a pretty big weekend with a wedding saturday and pumpkin patching (for lack of better terminology) on sunday. missed out on sunday dinner though. that kinda bummed me out as i tend to enjoy moms' home cookin. which brings us to my lack of anything thoughtful to remark regarding politics.

i've really kept myself out of the loop on the news media lately and actually feel a bit of remorse because of it. i can't help it. i've lost most of my trust in the suits down there and am on the brink of falling out of the voting game. hopefully, someone will give me insight which could dissuade me from any such action because though i have no trust in the people, i'd like to stick to voting on the big issues. or at least the one's which are big to me. on the other hand, i just might find a candidate who motivates my voting hand to punch their card. it could be anyone, as independant as i may be, simply a hero who can relinquish the throne to those with common sense and decent judgement on things.

well, here we are, the end is approaching and i must tie up the proverbial ends i am leaving to my relief. i'll be back to the normal grind until the 31st, as i will be trick-or-treating with my punkin, but returning again shortly thereafter when i will most likely forget that i have a blog. late.


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