Thursday, November 09, 2006

punctuality was never a quality of mine...

ok, you all obviously know what happened on tuesday. yet, i think it's only fair to post my views on the whole thing (actually, only the parts i really care to at the moment).

so, the dems owned all over the nation, and won back the house and senate. good things. also a good thing, ohio is now blue, which provides less cause for concern about where else i'd like to live. i'm pissed about the gambling getting tossed again, but it's kinda nice to have to take that weekend road trip to give my hard-earned cash to someone in a shiny vest and tux shirt with little hope of walking out with enough left for gas on the way back home. nah, i'm pretty good at being a jew with my winnings and usually have a bit left over in my shoe (don't tell jen!). another thing i'm pissed about is the smoking ban. yup, starting dec 8th, we will no longer be able to smoke in (how'd they put it?) public places of gathering. like we really get out that much anyhow. it's much nicer to get embarrasingly half-shaved knowing that your bed is only 15 stairs away, and the only one's who'll see you are family. and they don't seem to mind all that much. they've seen the worst, and usually know what to expect. regardess, i'd like to begin my peacefull protest of said ban, simply to see how much my charming demeanor will let me get away with. F 'em anyway. it's just another reason for someone to lose. and so what if i get kicked out of an establishment: if they really wanted my business, they'd say nothing as i exhale under the sneeze guards.

alrighty, must do something productive now.... late.


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