Friday, December 08, 2006 and its followers can bite one as the monoxide fills their pure little souls...

for all of you smokers in OH who haven't heard:

an injunction has been filed with the state legislature about the new smoking ban. there are a multitude of websites that are posting the info, and i'm too lazy to put a link here so google it.

from what i've gotten so far, this is what it entails:

the ban still remains, however, any complaints or violations reported to the 866-559-OHIO anti-smoking RAT-LINE will only go as far as being noted. no violators will be fined, nor will any adverse effects to the lifestyle occur. simply put, YOU CAN BREAK THE LAW WITHOUT ANY REPERCUSSIONS.

the state legislature has until June 7, 2007 to get their shit straight for them to be able to legally enforce any violation of the ban. if, or when, they do get things together any violations or complaints prior to the ban being finalized cannot be pursued and nothing can be done about them. it is only after the ban is finalized that the anti-smoke anti-rights rat squad can take any action in legal form.

the down side is that word is not getting out about the injunction in as widespread a manner as many of my constituents' would hope. on top of that, we can still be kicked out of establishments in which the proprietor has inacted a full-on no smoking policy regardless of said injunction. on the other hand, the Ohio State Legislature has never been remotely swift about much of anything, so here's hoping there's still a few smokers in Columbus who can drag this out past June 7 and cause this bullshit to be abolished.

in the meantime, i say smoke 'em if ya got 'em Ohio, cuz dippin' snuff just isn't the same...


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