Friday, February 09, 2007

some things never change...

ok, once again and as usual, i've not been back for a hot minute. but that's beside the point. what i was planning to do was to lay out my views on what our world has become with all that has happened since my last post. so, take a leak, grab a snack, and get comfortable....

jen and i were discussing the whole "how'd we get into this mess with the middle east" thing last week. i made a couple of great points, and she said it would sound really good if it was read by you all here. the epiphany goes like this: we now live in a country who's government believes it's ok to go into another country (who's leader really hasn't done anything to us directly) under false pretense, kidnap said leader, go against everything this country stands for with regard to the judicial system, have him tried, and killed, by his own people who were convinced (again under false pretense) that doing so would solve all their problems. not to mention overthrowing the standing government of this country, and instill a governing system they don't understand simply because we (you know who i really mean) said it would be better this way. now that all is said and done (sort of), the situation is much, much worse that it was in the first place. but hey, at least they still get the seventy-two virgins... when they die.

now, i'm not saying dude wasn't a bad person... or that he didn't do anything wrong... but it could have been done much cleaner, and with less death and destruction. i mean, i always see these shows on discovery and the history channel about these elite forces we have with all their high-tech toys, which can supposidly perform horrible acts with such precision and silence that we don't even know it happened... i guess they were off that day.

not only that, but while this is all going on, we have a disaster of biblical proportions in ONE OF OUR OWN STATES!; most of which has not seen much more than a "wow, that sucks" from the suits in dc.

my question now is: where are all the fucking people i hear saying things like: "something should be done", and "lets get an impeachment", oh, and "there must be something we can do?" not that i'm some type of ghandi wannabe, but at least i do what i can within my ability. c'mon people, join and sign a petition, write a letter, make a phone call. every little bit counts. unless we're voting. then we're all pretty much fucked. that shit has been rigged the last two elections, and probably will be until the pay-offs and blackmailings lean our way.

on top of all this, we have the recent death of a celebrity, who no one really cares about anyway (i shouldn't even be talking about this...this recockulous ish isn't in my nature), get more news coverage than things that really matter, because she's dead now. like i said to eveyone who's brought this up to me: 'i guess that's how it goes when you slam six bottles of trimspa every day while sucking blow up one nostril and mdma up the other.' get over it. her show sucked anyway.

i had a lot more to say, but a bad workday has put me in a shitty mood, and thinking about all this crap is only making it worse. i'll continue this rant later. probably much later... we all know how that goes.


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