Sunday, June 27, 2004

The Devil Went Down To Washington

ah, yes. you just have to appreciate a good stab at the government. and who better to take that stab? you guessed it, Michael Moore. i loved the first intallment, Bowling for Columbine, but having seen Fahrenheit 9/11 last night i have a new respect, or should i say, disrespect for the US government. as we all know, i personally, have never been fond of them. you know, the so called 'upper crust' who run this country. the film was spectacular when it comes to cinimatography for a documentary. yet, it also had a resounding effect on me, and as it seemed, the rest of the people in the theater.

it started out with a look at what our executive branch was doing in the weeks and months before that dreadful day with the opening credits playing at the same time. then, all at once, the screen went black. and what was played was shocking. it was the 'forbidden footage' of the 9/11 attack. no video, just the sounds. it gave me that ill feeling in the pit of my stomach. but what was to come was even more disgusting.

i don't want to ruin it for any of you who haven't seen it yet, so i will not go into detail. the film went on to show evidence that the only reason our troops are in Iraq is because of oil and money. it showed that our military, some of which i know personally, are risking they're lives and killing the innocent over there not to protect us from attack, but to make people rich.

ok, we started with Afghanistan. they're the ones who attacked us right? well not really. the majority of the bastards were Saudi, but, the Afghans were the ones harboring the most wanted man in the world, Osama Bin Ladin. how long did that last? not long enough. why did they forget about Bin Ladin and bomb Iraq? i will give you a quote from our fearful leader: "there's nothing worth bombing in Afghanistan." give me a break. yeah, it's true Saddam Hussein's a pretty terrible person, but all the reasons are wrong. Iraq did not attack us. they had no intention of attacking us. there were NO weapons of mass destruction. but, there was the second largest oil supply in the world. kinda makes me think of the song For The Love Of Money by the O'Jays. it sickens me to know what our leaders, people we're supposed to trust, will do for the Almighty Dollar. this was a large part of the message, and i must say, i've agreed with this since the whole Iraq thing started.

it made me laugh, at times i wanted to cry. there were moments of sorrow and moments of pure nausea. this movie has left such an impact on me word cannot describe. the thundering applause during and after, and the conversations i heared as we were leaving assured that everyone there was touched in one way or another. it seemed to make the ones against the wrongful attacks by the juggernaut that is our government feel stronger about their views, and i'll bet it will change the minds of many of the supporters.

i am by no means, an anarchist. i believe in a government. but i believe in a good government. one that cares about its people, and less about their wallets. as for the film, i urge all of you to see this movie, and then, to vote. i will.



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