Wednesday, September 21, 2005

it is entirely too early for any of this madness...

not that i've encountered any major debockels yet, but then again, i've got all day.

the main issue i'm sure is the fac that i was up late watching the premiers of "my name is earl" and "nip tuck". the latter which shows on FX, my haven for non-premium cable swearing and nudity. granted, they rarely qualify for the v-chip big 4:nudity, language, violence, and adult content, but they always fill at least 3. now, i said that i stayed up to watch these shows, but i missed the end of nip tuck because i passed out. so, if anyone can fill me in on the last 15 minutes that would be the shizz. i have found though, that when i pass out during a tv show, 5 am seems to be about 3 hours too early for anything. anyhoo, you probably don't care, and i'm better now that i have coffee, so i will now return to my morning responsibilities.


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