Sunday, July 04, 2004

"Children are all foreigners." -Emerson

well, if Emerson was speaking the truth, i guess that means i am well on my way to a career as a parent/tour guide.

i must say i am now relieved to know Jen and i will soon have a daughter. i am so much more comfortable now knowing the gender of our baby. not that gender makes a huge difference, in that all i ask is that the child is healthy, but now i have some preparing to do. i've heard many times that one cannot entirely be prepared for parenthood, but i still need to research a few things as i happen to be of the male persuasion. see, despite any rumors that may have surfaced, i am lacking in the area of doing "girl things". not the big things like the ever-feared PMS Talk, which shoes go with what, and boys. when it comes to these things my answers come with the male paternal instinct. "go get your mother" and "boys are bad". i'm talking about the little things, tea parties, dollhouses and what not. i know i have some time before most of it, and Jen says it'll all come with time. surprisingly, these are the most of my worries at the moment, and given my imagination, i'm sure i'll be fine.


Blogger -Rys4K said...

Why don't you friggin write something?

Hell, why not talk about your wedding, or your honeymoon, or tell these people how great i am?


5:03 PM  

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