Saturday, January 21, 2006

senate passes must be joking...

"Free choice is the greatest gift God gives to his children." -Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

now, any self-respecting right-wing conservative will agree with that statement. as i can use what little religious knowledge i have left i can also say that of all the things the religious say god gave them; FREE WILL is paramount. it's in the bible - adam and eve. yet the religious right are proclaimed and devout pro-lifers. which brings us to...

"Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them." -George Orwell
nuff said. which brings us to...

"If we're looking for the sources of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power."
- P. J. O'Rourke

i have only one question... what kind of drugs are they on!?

i was checking my mail the other day and came across an interesting headline. "US Senate Passes Vote to Limit Abortion". as i understand, this vote gives clinics the authority to turn women away when they request an abortion on a situation-specific basis. isn't it a wonder, the same fools preaching about abolishing free choice are the same idiots who believe that one of their greatest gifts is FREE FUCKING WILL!

if something was lost in translation, please let me know. it won't change my view, but at least i'll know not to start the burning and pillaging just yet.


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