Friday, October 14, 2005

recent death and destruction; wrath of god or natures fury?

nothing better to do at 7am at work on a friday, so i spent my morning with a coffee and the news. one of the reports was an interview with a right-wing religious republican (is there any other kind?). apparently, he is a televangelist with some church in middle (white)-america, which has had recent trouble with replenishing the "building fund" considering they have donated most of it to the relief efforts. the belief is the recent calamity spreading worldwide, from chicken-flu and hurricanes to the death and destruction in the middle east is a sign preceding the second comming of JC. it is reports like this one which are causing a vast outpouring of support and money to many parishes and missions throughout the world. my opinion? as i mentioned once before, i am a believer in reincarnation, mixed with a little darwinism and just a touch of agnostics. so, as you can imagine, i look past all the right wing bullshit, and take a scientific approach. i will not explain as you can google for it. i think all this "fire-and brimstone" is simply a scapegoat for the right-wing "followers of an angry god" because they have no good reason to explain these events. not so much the natural disasters; these are due to optimal atmospheric conditions, but more for the middle-eastern death and destruction. W too dumb to blame? i know! let's blame god. give me a break.

i want to state that i do not intent to use this site for the scheduled bashing of religious groups or politial parties. i wouldn't keep this string of negativity going however, if they'd wise up and stop giving me reasons to rant. believe in whatever god or leader you wish, just take into effect the scientifically proven facts behind the weather. as for the social misunderstanding, and political oversight, blame whomever you like... just know where you stand and stick to your principals; as distorted as they may be.


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