Sunday, May 28, 2006

Clinton in '08?

i'm watching wolf blitzer interviewing tim russert of nbc's 'meet the press'. they're discussing the candidates for the '08 election...mainly the frontrunners in the polls. suprisingly, barak obama never came up on their list. one that did though was none other than hillary clinton. per the report, polls are showing ms clinton as the most likely candidate to be nominated to run in the democratic spot. my opinion... i just don't see voters turning out ballots for a female candidate. even is it is hillary clinton. as a liberal, sure i'd vote for her provided her position on the big issues sways my direction; but, she's surely not at the top of my list. then again, neither was kerry. sometimes you just have to settle. more probable to me is what happened in our last election. everyone said they'd vote bush out of office, yet he still won. was it a scandal? maybe, maybe not. maybe everyone simply drank the funky kool-aid fed to them by corperate america (blind leading the blind and so on). unfortunately, they brought the rest of us down with them...i guess we lose on that one. i really couldn't see voting for someone who made a decision makeing us the most hated nation in the world, and allows for tax breaks for the richest citizens leaving middle america to drown in poverty and ruin. the approval ratings have only fallen since november, and continue to find a new low seemingly every week. 50-cent said 'get rich or die dryin'. i say get rich or die a slow, painful and impoverished death in a place that would rather blow things up than make its own citizens the priority.

one more quick thing for a few of my right-wing readers: don't bitch to me about the cost of gas. you voted for it.


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