Monday, September 11, 2006

it's not apathy...moreso an interest deficiency...

so, as with my usual nature, it's been quite some time since i've posted anything. not that i'm underhandedly posting with anyone else, but what i do behind closed doors is none of most peoples' business. regardless, i simply was either too busy, or had not much to say. now, with reason, i'll let you all in on the new word. jen and i have another baby girl, Caileigh Quinn, born 9/3/06 at 11:40, giving me twice the opportunity to spoil my offspring, and increasing my chances of threatening some young man trying to get into places which i will not allow. i have also embarked on a career with a new company. same job for the most part but without the politics and regular bullshit which occurs all too often in my field. i love it so far, and couldn't be more satisfied with my decision. and, now with a much more compensating shift to sit and stare at a wall, i plan to be back to my opinionated posting and thought-provoking comments in no time at all. as long as i remember. for now, late.


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