Wednesday, August 25, 2004

yet another day off...

so, here i sit, another day off. i should probably relish in the fact that i've got twenty-four hours to myself being left to my own devices. yet, somethings giving me that unproductive feeling. i tend to encounter this issue more and more lately, but to be productive is probably going to cost me money i don't really have, and Friday can't arrive soon enough. made a deal with T-mobile to hold my phone payment. which is a good thing, as communication is a necessity of mine. i was very pleased that they even considered it as the bill was due on the 22nd. then again, it's their fault anyway. had they sent me a bill, i would have been prepared, and we wouldn't have this issue. enough about that.

i'd really like to wax the durango, and give the dogs their baths. but, if i'm having trouble mustering the motivation to type this post, i don't know how i'm going to get anything else done. hopefully, something will strike that nerve later today. none the less, i've just sparked my last cigarette and will require more of them soon. and here we go with the pop-ups.

i don't understand how this can be possible. we have two so-called pop-up blockers on this computer, yet neither of them seem to block anything. except me from seeing the screen. they come up about every thirty seconds, screaming at me. "Buy my shit!" i don't want to buy your shit. if i wanted to buy anything, i would have google'd it. ok, enough of my babble. possibly i'll have something meaningfull to say later on.


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