Friday, October 01, 2004

presidential debate numero uno...

i just got done watching tonight's initial preidential debate, and, though i attempt to refrain from anything entirely political when it comes to posting here, i figured i hould say omething about the performances given by our fearful leader nd senator kerry. i find myself somewhat bothered by the fact that Pesident Bush seems to have a chronic case of tunnel vision. the only thing he seemed to talk about was the "war on terror" and "flip-flopping" instead of answering the questions put forth by the moderator. i am confidant in aying the Mr. Kerry acted in a very professional, no, presidential manner and answered all questions with not a single moment of undecidedness or hesitation. i find that the speculations made by Mr. Kerry were possibly somewhat confusing to the president who at one point in time spoke of the proliferation on weapons of mass destruction. can the man even define proliferation? i'm sure that if he could, he would be unable to do so without stubling over a word or three. nuff said, i need to sleep...


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