Sunday, October 03, 2004

sir, your wisdom is surpassed only by your ignorance...

the title for today's post actually has nothing to with what i'd like to write. i only feel it appropriate as it's something i'd love to say to our fearful leader. maybe i can get hold of John Kerry's speech writer and have him slip it in somewhere for the next big democratic gathering. alright back to why i really came here.

i am quickly coming to grips with the fact that nothing can be any more frustrating than he computer i am using at the moment. sure, it serves it's purpose, the games work rather well, and i am at most times able to give you all something to read. my frustration begins when i am unable to check my email, and have to restart the system whenever i stray from any give site for more than a couple of minutes. if anyone has any suggestions, plaese let me know, provided the computer is in a giving mood that day and allows me to receive my messages. that seems to be it for now, however, i'm planning on seeing "Ladder 49" tonight, in which case i'll be sure to let you all know what i think.

ahh yes, the Browns actually won today. finally something good to say about the sports action of the weekend. i have to say i'm quite pissed about the 'Bucks losing in overtime. the game never should have gone that far. and as for Notre Dame, sure, they played against the number 1 offense in the nation, but with one of the top defences in the nation they could have done a whole hell of a lot better.


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