Friday, September 29, 2006

thoughts on congress' bill legalizing torture...

“The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against
terrorism. To redefine Common Article 3 would add to those doubts.
Furthermore, it would put our own troops at risk.” - colin powell

everyday, i get an email of threads posted with, the link at the end of this post is one of them. follow it. you may learn something about the shady and dysfunctional family we call our government. most i actually find quite amusing, however this one bears not even a slight incling of the lightheartedness i've become so accustomed to. moreso, i would like some sort of explanation as to why, or how, a bill as grave as this could pass, let alone make its appearance on the senate floor. let me rephrase, as on the floor and kicked under a dusty file cabinet to be long forgotten would pose as the most appropriate place to hide such a dreadful thing. so, in this case i will ask how it could've gotten to the desk of every congressman employed by our ever-so-intelligent democracy.

i will say that i recognize these people to be elected officials, given their jobs by men and women no different than you or i. well, maybe no different than you, if so, you lose. as should all of the devout supporters of our current leaders' decisions on the past 5 years. blind leading the blind would not only be an understatement, but a crude insult to all blind people, using their lack of sight to describe the tom foolery going on in the halls of our capitol.

how could anyone knowingly support the torture of others, the withholding of rights, and omission of due process which this bill allows? has the majority of our nation turned to the ways of the eighteenth century and earlier? when does the drawing, quartering, and public disemboweling begin? i'd be interested to know as soon as possible in order to have enough time to pack my bags for canada.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Gmotivatior


Monday, September 25, 2006

a fucking comma....

"that’s the power of an enemy that is willing to kill innocent people. But there’s also an unbelievable will and resiliency by the Iraqi people…. Admittedly, it seems like a decade ago. I like to tell people when the final history is written on Iraq, it will look like just a comma because there is — my point is, there’s a strong will for democracy."

this is the quote from George Bush when Wolf Blitzer interviewed him recently on CNN. hmm, an enemy that is willing to kill innocent people. now, i am a sort of betting kind of guy, and i'd put something down on the idea that somewhere in the world (or the middle east if you want to get specific) thinks the same thing of our wonderful nation. as unpatriotic as the right wingers may think of it, i must say that regardless of our government's agenda, as benevolent as it may be, don't we fall into that category? didn't our little preemptive strike destroy thousands of innocent lives in iraq?

while we're still here, why don't we just pick apart the whole fucking quote.

'seems like a decade ago'. of course it seems like a decade. and if something isn't done in the near future, we'll be able to say it has been an actual decade. in reality it's been longer. i know i was young, but this shit all really started in the 90's and has been an ongoing thorn in the side of the republican party since. listen here bitches, you don't have to be a "war president" to be a great president. be that as it may, some shit got started, and should've been dealt with right. and agreeing with my favorite talk show host, Bill Maher, i will say that if enough troops and equipment had been sent in the first place this would probably not be such an issue today. and quite possibly, we may not have noticed a conflict in iraq had it been handled a bit better. now we have the issue of soldiers in iraq without the proper armor on their vehicles, and the capability to destroy RPG's before they hit said vehicles, but can't use them because some greedy fuck wouldn't get the money, or contract how he'd like it. fuck you. we live in a country with endless funding, endless military, and can't put another country down in a matter of a week? c'mon. we already did it a couple times. Kuait, Bosnia, etc.

i'm not saying i hate our country, just the people who run it. what happened to the patriotism i remember? when will i be able to be proud of the place i live, and not think twice about ever going any further east than Maine without having to find a canadian flag patch in some suburban head shop first?

and what's this about all the killing will look like a comma on the pages of history when this is all said and done. is that on your 50 or 100 year plan, sir? what the people want is change. right fucking now! and not change in the middle east, but change on our own soil. what about the homeless vets i see and hear about at work everyday? what about the people, all of us, who pay our hard earned money into taxes that haven't produced anything positive in the past 8 years? instead, we see a failing economy, the possible failure of social security, an increase in the unemployment rate, and a signifigant decline in approval ratings. if everyone is really that pissed off about the way things are being done, why isn't something being done to change it. where are our Democrat leaders? oh, congradulating our idiot for his work on Katrina. fuck you too. to quote Stephen Colbert, I CALLED IT!!!! i said at the last pres election that the people lied about who they supported. they all voted for Bush anyway, and now we can't do anything about the problems we have. all of you swing votes, and moderates should have listen to it in the first place. and instead, we all lose. there are even republicans who can't stand our government anymore (at least the one's who don't go on FOX).

Friday, September 22, 2006

Monday, September 11, 2006

it's not apathy...moreso an interest deficiency...

so, as with my usual nature, it's been quite some time since i've posted anything. not that i'm underhandedly posting with anyone else, but what i do behind closed doors is none of most peoples' business. regardless, i simply was either too busy, or had not much to say. now, with reason, i'll let you all in on the new word. jen and i have another baby girl, Caileigh Quinn, born 9/3/06 at 11:40, giving me twice the opportunity to spoil my offspring, and increasing my chances of threatening some young man trying to get into places which i will not allow. i have also embarked on a career with a new company. same job for the most part but without the politics and regular bullshit which occurs all too often in my field. i love it so far, and couldn't be more satisfied with my decision. and, now with a much more compensating shift to sit and stare at a wall, i plan to be back to my opinionated posting and thought-provoking comments in no time at all. as long as i remember. for now, late.