Saturday, October 30, 2004

quote for the day 10.30.2004

"If you can't sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there and worrying. It's the worry that gets you, not the loss of sleep." -Dale Carnegie

so it's a pretty weak quote for today, but my usual quote page doesn't seem to be working and if i have to deal with it: so do you. i guess we all lose.

it is now just over four hours since i left work. i really would like to go back to bed as i should build up some energy for tonight's evening with the boys. i would actually still be in bed had it not been for the rat bastard waking me up to take him out. i wonder if this is what it's going to be lilke for me when the baby comes. god damn do i hope she sleeps through the night. then again, through the night wouldn't help in my current situation. see, i was offered to work the 6pm-6am shift for the next week and last night was the first time in a few months that i had to stay awake. it actually wasn't all that bad. i usually don't have an issue with keeping busy enough to prevent myself from passing out at work. however, it's times like this that get to me. awakened way too early, unable to fall asleep again, spawning moments of incoherant thought in front of a computer from a lack of anything better to do. then again, i've had my most interesting 'moments of clarity' when my head is all cloudy and tired. hrmmm... i guess this isn't one of those times. whatever, maybe i'll go to the store. i haven't bought anything in a while for me or jen. yeah, that's it. to the store i will go.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

good lord there's a lot of republican bloggers...

i know it's not like me to put out two posts in a matter of minutes, but now seemed like a good time. i was paging through some of the other blogs out here and ran into a shitstorm of republican blog propoganda. so, i decided i'd like to make yet another anti-republican statement:

A republican government is an organized hypocrisy.

that's it. i promise i'm done for the night...

Quote for the day...10.19.2004

"Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait...The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don't count."
-Robert Anthony

i'm sitting here, eating my beef stroganoff, just about ready to keel over and pass out. thank god i have two days off comming to me. however, as tired as i may be, i can always find something to bitch about. which is why today's quote has a lot to do with procrastination. let me embellish. while i was at work yesterday, i get a call from my mom. apparently, the $100 check i wrote to the church for my wedding bounced. and rightly so, as during this discussion i find out that they tried to cash it only a couple of days ago. they had informed my mom that i had written a check from a closed account. well, of course it's closed...i don't live in pittsburgh anymore. why would i still have an account there? i know that nothing can really come of this with reference to any sort of punishment, as the check was written when the account was open, and remained open, with a large amount of cash in it, for a minimum of a couple weeks following the wedding. now, my question to you all is; if someone writes you a check for your services, whatever they may be, wouldn't you like to have that money as soon as possible and make every effort to get to a bank to cash it? i sure would. of course, everything has been smoothed over now, but at the time i discovered that the church i had grown up attending had waited too long to cash the check, and were attempting to hold me responsible. it was this situation that made me, let see, a bit more than peeved. that a fucking preist couldn't realize his own mistake and put the blame on me, who had made sure that the account had plenty of funds in it to cover the expense.

whatever, it's all holy water under the bridge now. the thought did come to mind that i may like to change what religion i have left. maybe buddist. the whole zen lifestyle could work wonders for my sort temper of late. that's a different story for a different time. enough for now...

Sunday, October 17, 2004

some wars just can't be won...

"Any great truth can -- and eventually will -- be expressed as a cliche -- a cliche is a sure and certain way to dilute an idea." -Solomon Short.

i am pre-writing this post for a later time. not that i don't think it will be good enough, but i cannot bring myself to post more than one message within five minutes of eachother. i was performing my usual morning ritual, cracking that first pepsi of the day, having a smoke, and witching Chris Matthews. and oddly enough, i had somewhat of an epiphany. you all remember the war on drugs right? you know Nancy Reagan's good deed as first lady. Barbara Bush had illiteracy, Hillary Clinton had outlawing hummers in the oval opffice. ok back to the matter at hand. we all remeber it in some way or another. the US Government with the assistance of the FBI DEA and local law enforcement, attpemted to, how'd they put it? get drugs off the street. and if i remember correctly they succeeded. they got drugs off the street and right into your livingroom. my question is what ever happened? it seems that all of a sudden the war on drugs didn't seem to be an issue anymore. we know they didn't win because it was one of those "unwinable" wars. just like the war on terror. this is the thought that came to mind. is the war on terror going to continue in years to come, or will it become the number one cliche' of this administration? i forsee that in no more the ten years, maybe less, the war on terror will become nothing more than a nice thought that just didn't work out.

quote for the day...10/17/2004

"Seek not the favor of the multitude; it is seldom got by honest and lawful means. But seek the testimony of the few; and number not voices, but weigh them." -Immanuel Kant

i have just checked my statcounter, you know, the little numbers at the top of the page. anyway, i haven't looked at it in about two weeks and have now begun to notice that, for some reason, i seem to be losing readers. not that it's all that important to me, but in the end, we all seek some sort of recognition. good or bad. i'd like to make the point that if i do not seem to be keeping any of you interested, or you don't agree with what i'm saying, You Lose. however, for the faithful few, and i do mean FEW, i appreciate your input. i realize that my posts of recent have become much like the constant babbling of our fearful leader. i know i said i would strive to stay away from politics, work, and other trivial bullshit that nobody really wants to hear about; and provide you with a place to take a break from all of that and read about something meaningless for a change.

i figured the 'quote of the day' thing would give you all something to think about in times of boredom or otherwise. regardless of the fact that 'of the day' insinuates the idea that something would happen daily. yet most days, i have neither the time nor the energy to do such a thing.

ahh yes, finally a point. jen and i attended a wedding reception last evening. Annie Feldkamp and Mike Heramb. those of you who went to EHS may recognize the names. well, it was, mostly a high school reunion of sorts. however filled with people i didn't associate myself with then, and don't wish to associate with them now. i must say i was quite disappointed in the whole shindig. sure, it was nice, as most weddings are, but in comparison to other weddings, mine for instance, it was dry. i've been to weddings in the past where you could say 'nobody danced'. in this case you could put it in a literal sense. shoot, even Steve danced at my wedding. the food was excellent, but the conversation was drab. poor conversation being of no fault to the happy couple, but one would expect to engage in at least one semi-meaningfull discussion. oh well, we lose. not that i can really help the way i percieve weddings as my and jen's wedding was the time of my life. i do feel though, that our wedding would not have been as great if it wasn't for what great friends we have, which is why i'm sure Dave and Morgan's wedding will be spectacular, and Steve's as well. i can't wait for either.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

thought of the day...10/16/2004

The government is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs.

that is all i have to say...

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

even when half shaved, i am unable to tolerate this man...

and this man is, of course, GWB. i have just finished watching tonight's debate, and, i am still unable to find one answer to one question from our fearfull leader that i can both understand and agree with. whomever is telling him what to say and how to say it should be sacked.

"I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you because someone has printed gibberish all over it and put your name at the top."

i would like to make only a couple of comments about the proceedings.

one. the president spoke of "freedom marching on". this outlook makes me remember something i learned in high school. yes, i actually learned something in high school. i remember reading about a man who wanted to spread his beliefs and customs around the world. a world that did not agree with these customs. his name was Adolf. certainly, president is not nearly as evil, despite the fact that some consider him to be the antichrist, yet the premise is somewhat the same. this president wishes to spread freedom and liberty throughout the world. but it is American freedom he is promoting. and justly so, the man believes in America. the arguement i am making is that different cultures believe in different types of freedom. and this administration has disregarded the possibility that other nations may wish to run their government in a fashion that works best for them. simply put, what's good for the goose may not always be good for the gander.

two. i did find it amusing when the prez spoke of his wife. "she speaks better english than me" he said. for once an answer i agree with. between the snickers resemblant of Beavis and the stumbling over of simple words i have no idea what the man is getting at. the only thing i am able to decipher are; furners are bad, terrorists are bad, and democrats are more evil than the devil himself.

that's all for tonight. i apologize for any confusion, but as my title shows, i must be in a lesser state of mind to hear the man speak. and i am still feeling the effects.

can i, for once, live up to my own standards...

once again, i find myself unable to stray from the subject of politics. at the fault of the upcoming election, it seems, politics is the only subject anyone is inclined to discuss. yet, with tonight's third and final debate, to which i will be giving my undivided attention provided the dog can abstain from pissing me off, i feel i must make some final remarks regarding the direction in which our country is moving.

i consider myself to be an optimist. well, at least as much as the next guy. we all hope for good things to happen; at home and abroad. i'm sure we would all love to see peace brought to the middle east and the troops brought home. however, i first want to see the problems of our own nation to be dealt with as well. i say this since i believe the only thing that seems to make a difference to our fearfull leader and his administration is any other country but our own. it is with thoughts like this provoking our government to move down a few rungs on the ladder of greater achievment. you attempt to gain in another world, wilst ignoring the difficulties of a mid to low class family only trying to put food on the table. how can one be expected to repair a broken world when he has not the capacity to come to the aid of his own people.

i am baffeled by the statistics shown constantly through television commercials and propaganda flashing across the screen every five seconds and can only wish i didn't live in a 'swing state'. i find it a futile endeavor to attempt to watch thirty minutes of TV without being slammed with republican rhetoric and democratic fluff. let's get down to brass tax.

what about me? what about the thousands of elderly people transported by private ambulance companies every day who are unable to pay their bill. medicare? nope. medicare will pay a maximum of $92 per transport, if you are able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that said patient is unable to lay down on the back seat of a car without dying before arriving at the hospital. thus, preventing companies, such as the one i am employed with to make any sort of viable profit. what about the undereducated and underpaid? the buh administration wants us to believe that they are fighting for our rights to healthcare, better pay, and social security. yet, they threaten to take our overtime benefits.

i'll have to continue later, the debate's about to start. i will however, leave you with this quote:

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy." -Ernest Benn

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

quote for the day...10/6/04.

"After all is said and done, a lot more will be said than done." -unknown

more and more am i beginning to believe this. and more often than ever do i find myself witnessing such an atrocity. not only in the general political sense which most of us seem to be dealing with lately, with the election and all, but more so in my own personal life. i know i am the last person who should bitch about prcrastination, but how long must i have to put up with it? yes, if you were wondering, i'm talking about the most popular subject, work. and i know i'm not the only one. i do what i do because i enjoy it. and not to sound ridiculously forward, but i'm good at it. i simply believe there's something to be said when i, having just one year of professional education in my field, am relied upon for answers to questions from those with more structured education who can't seem to retain knowledge. yes, much of the knowledge i have has been self learned. self learned? hrmm, ok here's the thing. any time i come across something i don't know much about, i look up the facts so that in the future, i am able to provide better performance and care to my patients and my company. which in the end, puts me in the postition to assist some of my higher-certified coworkers in an effort to delay the inevitable from happening to someone who's been dying for years.

i'm sorry. i seem to be blabbering. it's not my fault i was born with the "gift of gab". ok, back to the point. with my given experience and talent, why is it so hard for me to aquire a set shift at work. and as for the quote, all i seem to get from the higher-ups at the job is, "we're moving forward". but forward to what? and when will we get there? i do however have a couple friends in high places when it comes to the EMS community, and they're doing their best to help me out. my only hope is that things will proceed in an expedient manner. the thing i can't say much about it is the hours. i have at least been getting the full forty hours per week, and i know good things will be happening, one of which is a well deserved promotion, and in time, my set schedule will be implemented. i did get a chance to speak with our Director of Operations this evening, and he stated that my situation, along with a handful of others who find themselves in the same boat as myself, are now his top priority provided nothing that would prevent the company from existing any longer happens in the not so distant future. so, in the end, there is an up side to my frustration. thank god.

enough for now. Rescue Me is on, and it requires my undivided attention.

sir, your wisdom is surpassed only by your ignorance...

i just finished watching the end portion of the VP debate and need to go to bed. however, while staying away from the political aspect, i have some remarks i'd like to make.

from what i understand about debating, i always thought that it was about voicing your opinion, and backing up what you say with viable information. not to slam or steamroll your opponent. which i assume is why Jerry Springer seems to maintain his high ratings. the american people love to see a good fight. i mean, don't get me wrong, i'm all about seeing a good fight. these candidates have to stop thinking about what the people WANT to hear and start giving them what they NEED to hear. what i witnessed tonight was more of a featherweight championship bout rather than a presidential debate. there seemed to be more bobbing and weaving away from the questions put forth when instead the candidates needed to just get to the point and go for the uppercut. the people don't need to see who can come up with the best insult. they need to hear the best plans to push the country in the right direction.

my other remark is about the whole win/lose thing. as i said of debates before, and in competitive debates as i know, the winner is determined by who is able to provide the best information to support their opinion and to do so in an acceptable manner. if this is actually the case, i don't see how anyone can say which candidate actually "won" so to speak. this election has turned into nothing more than your average run-of-the-mill popularity contest. i've seen better campaigns for high school prom queen.

enough for tonight, i need to sleep. i hope i got my point across.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

sir, your wisdom is surpassed only by your ignorance...

the title for today's post actually has nothing to with what i'd like to write. i only feel it appropriate as it's something i'd love to say to our fearful leader. maybe i can get hold of John Kerry's speech writer and have him slip it in somewhere for the next big democratic gathering. alright back to why i really came here.

i am quickly coming to grips with the fact that nothing can be any more frustrating than he computer i am using at the moment. sure, it serves it's purpose, the games work rather well, and i am at most times able to give you all something to read. my frustration begins when i am unable to check my email, and have to restart the system whenever i stray from any give site for more than a couple of minutes. if anyone has any suggestions, plaese let me know, provided the computer is in a giving mood that day and allows me to receive my messages. that seems to be it for now, however, i'm planning on seeing "Ladder 49" tonight, in which case i'll be sure to let you all know what i think.

ahh yes, the Browns actually won today. finally something good to say about the sports action of the weekend. i have to say i'm quite pissed about the 'Bucks losing in overtime. the game never should have gone that far. and as for Notre Dame, sure, they played against the number 1 offense in the nation, but with one of the top defences in the nation they could have done a whole hell of a lot better.

Friday, October 01, 2004

new addition

i've taken the time to add a new link to the site. as i am not a professional reporter nor do i consider myself to be politically savvy, why not let Chris Matthews do it.

presidential debate numero uno...

i just got done watching tonight's initial preidential debate, and, though i attempt to refrain from anything entirely political when it comes to posting here, i figured i hould say omething about the performances given by our fearful leader nd senator kerry. i find myself somewhat bothered by the fact that Pesident Bush seems to have a chronic case of tunnel vision. the only thing he seemed to talk about was the "war on terror" and "flip-flopping" instead of answering the questions put forth by the moderator. i am confidant in aying the Mr. Kerry acted in a very professional, no, presidential manner and answered all questions with not a single moment of undecidedness or hesitation. i find that the speculations made by Mr. Kerry were possibly somewhat confusing to the president who at one point in time spoke of the proliferation on weapons of mass destruction. can the man even define proliferation? i'm sure that if he could, he would be unable to do so without stubling over a word or three. nuff said, i need to sleep...