Wednesday, October 13, 2004

can i, for once, live up to my own standards...

once again, i find myself unable to stray from the subject of politics. at the fault of the upcoming election, it seems, politics is the only subject anyone is inclined to discuss. yet, with tonight's third and final debate, to which i will be giving my undivided attention provided the dog can abstain from pissing me off, i feel i must make some final remarks regarding the direction in which our country is moving.

i consider myself to be an optimist. well, at least as much as the next guy. we all hope for good things to happen; at home and abroad. i'm sure we would all love to see peace brought to the middle east and the troops brought home. however, i first want to see the problems of our own nation to be dealt with as well. i say this since i believe the only thing that seems to make a difference to our fearfull leader and his administration is any other country but our own. it is with thoughts like this provoking our government to move down a few rungs on the ladder of greater achievment. you attempt to gain in another world, wilst ignoring the difficulties of a mid to low class family only trying to put food on the table. how can one be expected to repair a broken world when he has not the capacity to come to the aid of his own people.

i am baffeled by the statistics shown constantly through television commercials and propaganda flashing across the screen every five seconds and can only wish i didn't live in a 'swing state'. i find it a futile endeavor to attempt to watch thirty minutes of TV without being slammed with republican rhetoric and democratic fluff. let's get down to brass tax.

what about me? what about the thousands of elderly people transported by private ambulance companies every day who are unable to pay their bill. medicare? nope. medicare will pay a maximum of $92 per transport, if you are able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that said patient is unable to lay down on the back seat of a car without dying before arriving at the hospital. thus, preventing companies, such as the one i am employed with to make any sort of viable profit. what about the undereducated and underpaid? the buh administration wants us to believe that they are fighting for our rights to healthcare, better pay, and social security. yet, they threaten to take our overtime benefits.

i'll have to continue later, the debate's about to start. i will however, leave you with this quote:

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy." -Ernest Benn


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