Wednesday, October 06, 2004

sir, your wisdom is surpassed only by your ignorance...

i just finished watching the end portion of the VP debate and need to go to bed. however, while staying away from the political aspect, i have some remarks i'd like to make.

from what i understand about debating, i always thought that it was about voicing your opinion, and backing up what you say with viable information. not to slam or steamroll your opponent. which i assume is why Jerry Springer seems to maintain his high ratings. the american people love to see a good fight. i mean, don't get me wrong, i'm all about seeing a good fight. these candidates have to stop thinking about what the people WANT to hear and start giving them what they NEED to hear. what i witnessed tonight was more of a featherweight championship bout rather than a presidential debate. there seemed to be more bobbing and weaving away from the questions put forth when instead the candidates needed to just get to the point and go for the uppercut. the people don't need to see who can come up with the best insult. they need to hear the best plans to push the country in the right direction.

my other remark is about the whole win/lose thing. as i said of debates before, and in competitive debates as i know, the winner is determined by who is able to provide the best information to support their opinion and to do so in an acceptable manner. if this is actually the case, i don't see how anyone can say which candidate actually "won" so to speak. this election has turned into nothing more than your average run-of-the-mill popularity contest. i've seen better campaigns for high school prom queen.

enough for tonight, i need to sleep. i hope i got my point across.


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