Wednesday, October 13, 2004

even when half shaved, i am unable to tolerate this man...

and this man is, of course, GWB. i have just finished watching tonight's debate, and, i am still unable to find one answer to one question from our fearfull leader that i can both understand and agree with. whomever is telling him what to say and how to say it should be sacked.

"I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you because someone has printed gibberish all over it and put your name at the top."

i would like to make only a couple of comments about the proceedings.

one. the president spoke of "freedom marching on". this outlook makes me remember something i learned in high school. yes, i actually learned something in high school. i remember reading about a man who wanted to spread his beliefs and customs around the world. a world that did not agree with these customs. his name was Adolf. certainly, president is not nearly as evil, despite the fact that some consider him to be the antichrist, yet the premise is somewhat the same. this president wishes to spread freedom and liberty throughout the world. but it is American freedom he is promoting. and justly so, the man believes in America. the arguement i am making is that different cultures believe in different types of freedom. and this administration has disregarded the possibility that other nations may wish to run their government in a fashion that works best for them. simply put, what's good for the goose may not always be good for the gander.

two. i did find it amusing when the prez spoke of his wife. "she speaks better english than me" he said. for once an answer i agree with. between the snickers resemblant of Beavis and the stumbling over of simple words i have no idea what the man is getting at. the only thing i am able to decipher are; furners are bad, terrorists are bad, and democrats are more evil than the devil himself.

that's all for tonight. i apologize for any confusion, but as my title shows, i must be in a lesser state of mind to hear the man speak. and i am still feeling the effects.


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