Sunday, October 17, 2004

quote for the day...10/17/2004

"Seek not the favor of the multitude; it is seldom got by honest and lawful means. But seek the testimony of the few; and number not voices, but weigh them." -Immanuel Kant

i have just checked my statcounter, you know, the little numbers at the top of the page. anyway, i haven't looked at it in about two weeks and have now begun to notice that, for some reason, i seem to be losing readers. not that it's all that important to me, but in the end, we all seek some sort of recognition. good or bad. i'd like to make the point that if i do not seem to be keeping any of you interested, or you don't agree with what i'm saying, You Lose. however, for the faithful few, and i do mean FEW, i appreciate your input. i realize that my posts of recent have become much like the constant babbling of our fearful leader. i know i said i would strive to stay away from politics, work, and other trivial bullshit that nobody really wants to hear about; and provide you with a place to take a break from all of that and read about something meaningless for a change.

i figured the 'quote of the day' thing would give you all something to think about in times of boredom or otherwise. regardless of the fact that 'of the day' insinuates the idea that something would happen daily. yet most days, i have neither the time nor the energy to do such a thing.

ahh yes, finally a point. jen and i attended a wedding reception last evening. Annie Feldkamp and Mike Heramb. those of you who went to EHS may recognize the names. well, it was, mostly a high school reunion of sorts. however filled with people i didn't associate myself with then, and don't wish to associate with them now. i must say i was quite disappointed in the whole shindig. sure, it was nice, as most weddings are, but in comparison to other weddings, mine for instance, it was dry. i've been to weddings in the past where you could say 'nobody danced'. in this case you could put it in a literal sense. shoot, even Steve danced at my wedding. the food was excellent, but the conversation was drab. poor conversation being of no fault to the happy couple, but one would expect to engage in at least one semi-meaningfull discussion. oh well, we lose. not that i can really help the way i percieve weddings as my and jen's wedding was the time of my life. i do feel though, that our wedding would not have been as great if it wasn't for what great friends we have, which is why i'm sure Dave and Morgan's wedding will be spectacular, and Steve's as well. i can't wait for either.


Blogger -Rys4K said...

I think it's become time again where as we refocus our efforts in finding Steve some fine young woman to get along with. Just in the interest of allowing the wedding of the century to occur and all.


3:03 PM  
Blogger REILLY said...

steve, if you were to give us the wedding of the century, you're gonna have to wait another ten years. as jen and i have already taken the present century. the wedding of the 21st century as thrown by jen and myself is patent pending...

10:31 PM  

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