Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Quote for the day...10.19.2004

"Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait...The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don't count."
-Robert Anthony

i'm sitting here, eating my beef stroganoff, just about ready to keel over and pass out. thank god i have two days off comming to me. however, as tired as i may be, i can always find something to bitch about. which is why today's quote has a lot to do with procrastination. let me embellish. while i was at work yesterday, i get a call from my mom. apparently, the $100 check i wrote to the church for my wedding bounced. and rightly so, as during this discussion i find out that they tried to cash it only a couple of days ago. they had informed my mom that i had written a check from a closed account. well, of course it's closed...i don't live in pittsburgh anymore. why would i still have an account there? i know that nothing can really come of this with reference to any sort of punishment, as the check was written when the account was open, and remained open, with a large amount of cash in it, for a minimum of a couple weeks following the wedding. now, my question to you all is; if someone writes you a check for your services, whatever they may be, wouldn't you like to have that money as soon as possible and make every effort to get to a bank to cash it? i sure would. of course, everything has been smoothed over now, but at the time i discovered that the church i had grown up attending had waited too long to cash the check, and were attempting to hold me responsible. it was this situation that made me, let see, a bit more than peeved. that a fucking preist couldn't realize his own mistake and put the blame on me, who had made sure that the account had plenty of funds in it to cover the expense.

whatever, it's all holy water under the bridge now. the thought did come to mind that i may like to change what religion i have left. maybe buddist. the whole zen lifestyle could work wonders for my sort temper of late. that's a different story for a different time. enough for now...


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