Sunday, October 17, 2004

some wars just can't be won...

"Any great truth can -- and eventually will -- be expressed as a cliche -- a cliche is a sure and certain way to dilute an idea." -Solomon Short.

i am pre-writing this post for a later time. not that i don't think it will be good enough, but i cannot bring myself to post more than one message within five minutes of eachother. i was performing my usual morning ritual, cracking that first pepsi of the day, having a smoke, and witching Chris Matthews. and oddly enough, i had somewhat of an epiphany. you all remember the war on drugs right? you know Nancy Reagan's good deed as first lady. Barbara Bush had illiteracy, Hillary Clinton had outlawing hummers in the oval opffice. ok back to the matter at hand. we all remeber it in some way or another. the US Government with the assistance of the FBI DEA and local law enforcement, attpemted to, how'd they put it? get drugs off the street. and if i remember correctly they succeeded. they got drugs off the street and right into your livingroom. my question is what ever happened? it seems that all of a sudden the war on drugs didn't seem to be an issue anymore. we know they didn't win because it was one of those "unwinable" wars. just like the war on terror. this is the thought that came to mind. is the war on terror going to continue in years to come, or will it become the number one cliche' of this administration? i forsee that in no more the ten years, maybe less, the war on terror will become nothing more than a nice thought that just didn't work out.


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