Tuesday, November 02, 2004

blinded by the light...

with nothing else seeming to be worth a good god damn on tv at the moment, i have been watching the election coverage on CNN, MSNBC, and local news networks. i found myself becoming entirely frustrated and simply had to get away for a few moments, which i think would be a great opportunity to voice my opinion regarding this whole circus.

the media has shed a cloud of grey over the black and white facts with this election. i don't understand how a tv network, no matter how much i may enjoy their brand of reporting, can determine the decided winner of a given state with only an average of 3-4 percent of votes counted so far, and in some cases less than 5 percent of voting precincts which have reported said numbers. i wish i could get hold of wolf blitzer on the phone right now and explain this to him. any given state, with less than 50 percent of the total ballots counted, including absentee ballots, can go either way right now. it's almost like calling the winner of the world series in the top of the first inning. i have no problem with these reporters giving their projected opinions of who may win in a given state, but saying that a candidate has already won in a state where only a minimal number of votes have been counted is ludicrous to me. for instance, MSNBC and CNN have already stated the winner of arkansas. how can that be? the polls in arkansas have closed only less than a half hour prior to me typing this post. there is no way possible that all of the ballots in arkansas could have been counted already. i'm coming to the brink of reverting to my old feeling of disdain, and mistrust for the media.


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