Tuesday, November 02, 2004

quote for the day...11.2.2004

"If liberty and equality, as is thought by some are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in the government to the utmost." -Aristotle

i had a really great time last night. accordingly, Steve, Dave, and i went downtown for the Democrat's final major rally before the election. i was actually amazed at the number of people that attended. if you know anything about Cleveland, the stage was on the lawn in front of city hall. and the crowd consisted of a sea of people standing shoulder to shoulder from the stage all the way back to pulic square. for those of you who don't know Cleveland all that well, i will give you a better picure: a shitload of people standing practically on top of one another, in a huge fucking place. i have never seen so many gathered together for a single cause up close and in person before. last night i got that chance thanks to Steve for scamming us some blue tickets to get us within about 500 feet of the stage. the only thing i can really complain about is the pain we all endured whilst standing on concrete for a few hours, and some douchbag who was probably a republican that snuck in, calling us assholes for bulldoging our way in front of him. needless to say, he lost. i think it was Steve's persistant nipple rubbing that finally made him leave. anyhoo, after 3 hours of standing, no longer unable to feel my knees, the speeches began. Mayor Jane Campbell, John Glenn, Eric Fingerhut, and a version of Dennis Kucinich that the world has never seen, just to name a few. the Boss played a few songs, and John Kerry gave a pretty good speech. i would have used a quote from him for today, but there were so many good ones i couldn't decide.

ok, on to today's festivities. i voted in a major election for the first time in my life. and, i must say, it feels kind of good to have done so. even if the actual end result is determined by the bullshit electoral college. but that's a different rant for a different time. i will say however that i cannot agree with using a system of election which is outdated by about 20 years.

enough for now. i need to eat.


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